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How Does Ayurveda Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease?

Impairments in the human body are caused by vitiation in three doshas of the organism. Polycystic kidney disease is caused by an imbalance of the three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, which affects the function of one or both kidneys. This problem, however, has a remedy; Ayurveda may be able to help in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease.

The Kidney, like your other vital organs, performs two essential duties in the body: blood purification and urine production to maintain body fluid balance. The Kidney, like other human organs, is driven by the balance of the three doshas. Some persons, however, are affected by an imbalance in three body doshas, which can result in a kidney cyst or Gurda Granthi. This cyst develops into polycystic kidney disease due to a genetic difference in the body.

What is polycystic kidney disease, and how does it affect you?

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic medical condition in which fluid-filled sacs grow in the kidney, causing the kidney's function to be disrupted. The improper growth of a cyst in the kidney impairs and deteriorates the host organ's function over time.

The medical illness polycystic kidney disease causes cysts to form in the liver and other organs. Kidney failure occurs when a health problem goes untreated for an extended period of time. Other health problems, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, can develop as a result of this problem. This is a genetic disease that may be avoided by adopting Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda.

Types of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease): It is mostly divided into two types:

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD): is a kind of polycystic kidney disease that affects people in their 30s and 40s. Only This hereditary condition affects one parent, and it is passed down to the offspring.Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Diseases: Symptoms appear after birth in this kind. In this case, both parents are to blame for passing diseases on to their children as a result of faulty genes.

Polycystic Kidney Disease Symptoms:

  • Hypertension

  • A feeling of bloating in the stomach & Headache

  • Pain in the back and sides

  • Kidney Enlargement

  • Abdominal enlargement

  • Urine with blood

  • Infection of the urinary tract

  • Stone in the kidneys

  • Kidney disease

Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment:

Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited (genetic) health problem that can only be treated and prevented using Ayurveda. Try to stay away from allopathic medicines because they are dangerous and might affect your kidney and make it worse. You must address your health problem symptomatically to keep your kidney healthy.

High blood pressure- It is one of the most common causes of kidney diseases. You must take the lifelong drug for high blood pressure treatment in allopathy, which will eventually destroy your kidneys. However, you can preserve your kidney by making simple dietary changes to lower your blood pressure.

Urinary Tract Infection: Urinary Tract Infection: Bladder and urinary tract infections may lead to kidney failure, but staying hydrated will help you preserve your kidney function.

Blood in urine: This is an early sign of kidney damage, but by using natural herbs and drinking enough water, you may address your problem and keep your kidneys healthy and functioning.


You must make some lifestyle modifications to stay healthy and clear of polycystic kidney disease. Ayurveda can assist you in making healthy lifestyle adjustments that will make your life more stress-free and enjoyable. So, to be healthy and fit, follow all of these tips.

  • If you have diabetes, control your blood sugar levels by eating fresh fiber-rich foods, vegetables, and fruits.

  • Eat a low-fat, low-sodium diet to keep your blood pressure in check.

  • Drink enough water to keep your kidney and other body cells clear of toxins.

  • Exercise every day to maintain your kidneys healthy and disease-free.

  • Maintain a healthy weight to keep illnesses at bay.

  • Don't smoke or drink too much alcohol, and keep your Kidney safe from pollutants.

  • You can Use Ayurvedic herbs or natural ingredients to naturally treat any health issue.

  • Limit your intake of non-vegetarian and dairy goods.

Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment and Home Remedies-

Polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is an excellent drug for treating chronic conditions organically. As a result, Ayurveda is ideal for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease. It uses natural herbs to cure kidney diseases while also changing your lifestyle and nutrition. Without a doubt, you can seek Ayurvedic treatment for PKD or any kidney illness.

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